We regularly update this section with the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Nightingale homes are sold at cost, without a profit margin. Our resale process deters speculation, where someone might purchase a Nightingale property and sell it shortly thereafter above market rate. In order to allow the original savings to flow on to the next owner, we tie the resale price to the housing market of the suburb in which the Nightingale building is located.
If you do need to sell your Nightingale home, you can do so for the price you originally paid, plus the average increase in your suburb. If house prices fall in your suburb, the resale price will be the original sale price. If the house prices in your suburb go up, the resale price will go up by the same percentage, plus the cost of any improvements you’ve made while living there. More details here.
The person that is balloting must be on the title. Nightingale cannot allow further nominations of the contract. It is important to us that the ballot and allocations are transparent and adding other people to the title at a later stage could potentially muddy this process.
The year the contract of sale is signed.
Sorry, we are unable to recommend a legal advisor or conveyancer as this may cause a conflict of interest.
Resales are not permitted prior to settlement unless there are unfortunate circumstances that are beyond your control (i.e. significant illness or relationship breakdown) in which case we will do everything we can to find another purchaser.